Tuesday, July 26, 2011
AUGH! and other frustrated noises; another update!
Google Apps has become kind of a pain in the ass to deal with, now that they've updated it. Google+ won't let me back in with this account -- so I made a new one -- and above all, it was trying to tell me that my email address (justin@justin-barlow.com was being used by me as a person and me as an organization. Which apparently does not fly with Dark Lord Google.
So I do its bidding and try and basically merge the data from the "personal account" and the "organizational account", but that's not good enough. Now, logging in to Blogger with my email address said that I had no blogs, because they were under the "personal account", and justin@justin-barlow.com was now the "organizational account". Long and frustrated story made short (ish), I created another email address and through tricks of cleverness and awesome-y goodness, I got my Blogger info and settings moved over to the right account.
Aside from the frustration of trying to figure that out, it's just another night. Usin' the interwebs to catch up on things and pretty much keep myself awake so I can sleep before work tonight. There are some good things on the horizon, though!
After two and a half years without home internet access, I might have internet again soon! Since I'm getting full time on a regular basis again, I'm going to start paying off the (very) past-due $200 that I owe Comcast. That, and a $100 deposit, and I can have the internet/tv/phone combo hooked up. Only one I care about from those three is the internet, but with mom there and unable to live without TV, that's a necessity. And hey, a land-line might make it so she'll ease up on the cell phone minutes.
Then there's also my ongoing attempts to go to New York City Comic Con this October. It's not a sure thing yet, but I'm making the effort to see how much it'll cost and how much I'll have to save. The cool thing is that I've gotten one offer to stay with a friend while I'm there, so that's out of the way without having to spend money for it! Of course, I'll cook for them like I did for Matt when I was on my trip in April. Have to show my gratitude in some way!
So, anyone want to donate to either the "Get Justin to NYCC" or "Get Justin Internet" funds? :P
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Bonfire pictures! And, an update
I promised pictures of the bonfire, and here they are! Sure, it took me ten days to get them up. But only six or seven of those days (okay, maybe eight) were my fault. You should know this: I work a lot. I think I’ve mentioned that. So, here’s the pic-spam!
Me, kicking ass at Ladder Golf
Nar (Adam’s dad) taking a picture to make him jealous
Lorali says that there are still more pictures to come, so I might be adding them as she sends them to me. Or maybe I’ll start using my Flickr account, and I can just link there from here. Hmm.
Anyway, the last week and a half hasn’t been too extraordinary. I had my busiest night (250+ customers) on Friday at work, and then had a couple of days off, which was pretty nice. I ordered a copy of Mistborn: The Well of Ascension, which should be arriving very soon. I’ve been going through Mistborn withdrawals, since the first book was so good.
And in super-exciting-for-me news, which some of you might know from me mentioning it on Twitter and Facebook, I’ve started scripting the first issue of my comic book pitch. That’s going to probably consume a lot of my non-work time, but I’m also going to try to have a little bit of a life, since I’m starting to not be CONSTANTLY BROKE. Which, you know, is pretty nice.