It's been a while since my last post, but there are reasons. Aside from working 36-40+ hours a week at Murphy's, and trying to find other work, there has been a lot of research and a bit of writing going on. I mentioned in my "Ketchup" post that I'm working on a novel, and now that I'm starting to write it,
I've put a page up, here on the blog.
Lastly, I've been having a bit of stress, which is the main reason I didn't make almost any effort to post in the time that I could have. My mother has been having heart problems, and went up today for a cardiac catheterization in Seattle. She was a bit terrified, because of an obituary she read recently where a woman almost 20 years older than her died after the same procedure, but I'm happy to say that she came out of it fine -- as I'd assured her she would.
I ponder many things, often. This picture portrays my ponderousness, yes?
Really, the only people that I've not really been a bit antisocial towards are
Megan, and
Jynni. I talk to Jynni every day still, and have been meeting up weekly with Steev and Megan for game nights -- D&D, Cards Against Humanity, and We Didn't Playtest This, mostly. A couple of times, we played Settlers of Catan, which I'd love to play more if I thought I could find more people to play with.
Going back to writing for a few, I would like to say that it feels good to be writing something that I feel strongly about. As such, I plan to rewrite the prologue into something a bit more extended, and have it up on this blog by the end of the month... just in time for NaNoWriMo! Barring anything currently unknown, I shouldn't have any issues taking part in it this year, and
WHK? will be something fun to work on during November. If I can get to 50k, then who knows, maybe I'll bump that time-frame a little closer! :D
Now, it's time to be done with this post. It is that most necessary of days...
LAUNDRY DAY. Keep an eye on this blog, though, because the layout should be changing in the upcoming days... mostly because I have too many issues with this one and not enough time to learn how to fix them all.
"Stoke me a clipper, I'll be back for Christmas!"