I love when it storms.
I'm not talking a little more rain than normal, I mean a full-on storm. You know the kind: the wind and rain are beating on your windows, the lights flicker a little, and just a few quick seconds outside will have you nearly drenched, if not blown away.
To some, they're inconvenient, and some hate the prospect of a power outage. I own some flashlights though, and have books. The sound of the storm outside is soothing, and I could easily fall asleep.
I work graveyard shift tomorrow night though, so I won't let the storm sing me to sleep. What I will do, I think, is make some coffee and write. I've got a snowball's chance in hell of making it to 50,000 words for NaNoWriMo, but I do have the start of a novel, and some new ideas.
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