Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I got off work about twenty minutes ago, and I was waiting for my laptop to charge, I realized something -- I forgot to blog yesterday! I hesitate to make excuses, but I think my brain forgot about it in the small rage-splosion that I had on Twitter last night. While it's not a world-ending problem, it DOES mean that I have to put a video up. Fffffuuuuuuu-

Cool. Alright. I can do this. But not today, because I'm still at work and can't make a video, sitting here in the back office. What I CAN do is make a video tomorrow, when I get off work, and put it up tomorrow afternoon or evening. Soon as I get done with tonight's shift, I have four days off!

For now, I think I'll link you to some of my favorite blogs, and hopefully you'll enjoy them as much as (if not more than) you enjoy mine!

Kelly Hogaboom | Life in HQX
This one is the only local blog I have in this short list of links, and it's from someone who is full of awesome. So full, in fact, that her and her similarly-awesome husband managed to spawn two of the most well-spoken and thoughtful kids that I've had the pleasure of hanging out with. They're a great family, and that's primarily what the blog is about - along with Kelly's sewing and craftwork, sobriety, and other musings about the area in which she and I both live. Go. READ.

Death Boy
It's not technically a blog, but it is a great webcomic written by my friend Ian Austin, and drawn by another friend, Dan Butcher. It's irreverent, occasionally topical, and even if you can't get into Ian's writing (and, really, how could you not?), it's worth checking out for Dan's fantastic art. I look forward to the day when both of them can work in comics professionally!

Diary of a Dying Girl
Jorah's already got more readers than I did during any of my really busy months doing Random Ramblings, but if you haven't read her blog until now, then enjoy it. Without shredding her respectable anonymity, she writes about her life, and her writing is so involved that you really do begin to care about how the story goes. She's the blogger that I wish I could be as good as.

It's a podcast, but they do occasionally have blog posts. And considering that it's three random guys talking about random shit (and sometimes TANfights!), it's a lot more awesome than I can make it sound. Tim, Andy, and Noah make me laugh every week, and even without knowing them, they kind of give off the same feel that I get when hanging out with people I know, so it's even more funny to hear them rip on each other.

The Tsaritsa Sez
She's a hip-hop musician, blogging fiend! Alexandra's pretty great, and very socially conscious and intelligent, so it's a pleasure to read her blog when she posts. The only ones that I don't care for are the style/fashion posts, but that's just me being an uncool, fashionless nerd. :P

So, that's the list of blogs that I'm going with this time. I would put more, but my head is killing me and both my battery time and the time before my bus is almost up. Enjoy the links, and I'll be back tomorrow with the post I'd planned for yesterday! (And a vlog, some time tomorrow or the next day!)


the Tsaritsa said...

Thanks for the blog lovin! I don't do style posts as frequently as I used to, so you're in luck :)

kelly said...

Thanks for the shout-out! Hey, Phoenix keeps a blog now too! :-)

Justin Barlow said...

@Tsaritsa - Like I said, that's just me being uncool and fashionless. :P Still, I read and enjoy every post! :)

@Kelly - I know! I started following that one as soon as you mentioned it on your own. I don't really know anything about the game she plays, but it's still neat to read!

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