Sunday, April 29, 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012
I'm feeling a complete lack of posting ideas today. Everything I've tried over the last half hour just feels wrong, and ends halfway through the first paragraph. I feel like "Brainfart" is an appropriate term for it.
So, instead, I'm going to put this up. A post where I'm not really saying anything, because nothing happened today. I came home from work, read a little more of "Lamb: The Gospel According To Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal", and then slept. It's my second or third time reading the book, and I still love it. Matt recommended it to me over a year ago, and I've loaned it out to friends, who loved it too. I guess I'm "spreading the gospel".
Now, I'm going to get ready and then head to work. It's a shorter night tonight, and I just have to get through this one and the next one, and then I'm going up to Shelton to visit Wendy and Jim for a few days. :)
Friday, April 27, 2012
Yesterday was pretty productive...
Thursday, April 26, 2012
I'm not going to be a Grammar Nazi...
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
It's like I'm a millionaire!
Edward Moses
Dear Barlow,
I have an important message for you concerning the death of my deceased client Engr.C.M.Barlow,who bears the same name(Barlow)as you I am aware you are not related to this by blood, nationality or family, therefore I ask that you consider the factors in my email and keep it strictly confidential. However, if you are unable to meet my demand, kindly discard of it. This is regards a deposit of US$9.5million he left behind here in Lome Togo before his untimely death you have being pre-appoved for this release because of the last name,Contact me with your full names, private email, country of Residence and direct telephone number communication contact me only if your interested on my private email with the details I required from you my friend. Kindly email me today with my private email if you need any clarification. I await your urgent response.
With Regards,
Barrister Moses Edward
Private telephone:00228-994 269 65.
private email:(mosesedward1986@
Monday, April 23, 2012
It's my Friday and I'll post if I want to, post if I want to
Yes, I grew up with my grandparents. I had to listen to "It's My Party" pretty often in car rides anywhere with my grandma, as well as a lot of other songs from the same era. They've become ingrained to the point where I've referenced them, like now. With my three days off, possibly (hopefully) more depending on the new schedule, I wanted to let you know of a few things I'm working on 'behind the scenes'.
The first is Harbor Humanism, a secular activism group that I've been contemplating for a while now. I've bought the domain, but haven't started any site or blog for it yet. Before I do that, I'm trying to figure out a few things locally, such as places to meet. I'm going to be asking around tomorrow at some of the places that should be willing to help with something like this, on the provision that anyone can come.
Secondly, I'm also setting up a "landing space" for my writing, which I'll let you know more about as it happens. Essentially, it's going to be a one-stop-shop for how to contact me, where to find my writing online, and a place for me to add writing jobs to my "Writer's Resume" as I acquire them.
Finally, I'm meeting up with local photographer Tom Hyde, to talk about stuff. It was prompted by the Olympia Views review of my blog, so there'll probably be mention of that. I might try and video tape it, if he's cool with that -- we'll see!
For now, time to work. Blargh. Murphy's, here I come!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
My brother is in town for the next couple nights. And, as usual with my luck, the day he leaves is the first of my days off from Murphy's.
Speaking of, another proof of it being appropriately nicknamed -- not only was last night busy enough in the first three hours to end as my third-busiest night there, but then shit just kept breaking. Okay, maybe there were only a couple breaks: just a Gatorade bottle, a malfunctioning temp-controlled case, and accidentally-cut-open energy drink, and what remained of my sanity.
That last one's partially recovered, but we'll see how long it lasts tonight. I started thinking about a couple recipe ideas tonight; I'll be working on them soon to get them completely Justin-flavored and DELICIOUS. Hopefully, you'll get to see them soon!
Friday, April 20, 2012
At least once a month, that's what happens. Last night's shift was one of those, starting about halfway through -- customers destroying the coffee bar area, someone accidentally dumping their coffee all over the main register, an out-of-order bathroom... the only thing that didn't happen was a theft.
But, if luck works with me instead of against me, I might not have to work here at Murphy's for a whole lot longer. I applied for a new position tonight, at a workplace that will provide me with full-time hours, a starting pay that's a fair amount more than what I make here, and benefits after a few months, including medical, dental, and vision. I'm not going to count my chickens before they hatch, so to speak, but I'm hopeful.
Now, if you'll excuse me, it's time to clock on to work. :)
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Challenge, ACCEPTED
Monday, April 16, 2012
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Justin-Flavored: Sun Chip Chicken!

Saturday, April 14, 2012
On the menu tonight...

Friday, April 13, 2012
Part Two: Unforgiven
Welcome to the second half of last night's post. For this one, there's a little background you need to know.
My stepdad's family is full of horrible people, him excluded, although he could be an ornery bastard when he wanted. A few weeks before he passed, when he was hopped up on pain meds and 100% dependent on his oxygen tank, my stepdad (Jim)'s brother took him in to get the will changed. Long story and one scummy lawyer (that's known Jim's brother since high school) later, Mom got screwed out of the will and was in legal battles for two years after my stepdad died. His family was saying that she was doing horrible things, like tying his oxygen tube in knots and laughing when he couldn't breathe, or beating him and depriving him of his meds -- really fucked-up shit that my mom isn't even twisted enough to do to people she didn't like. Her (now-former) sister-in-law went along with the scumbag brother, even going so far as to straight-up LIE on the witness stand. Everything in the estate had to be sold to pay off the bills that scumbag ran up, which is saying something, since the estate was worth around $125,000 when my stepdad died.
So, yesterday, Mom and I went to the mall, as I mentioned in yesterday's post. After we were done at the ReStore, we got some food from the mall's food court, and were eating it when Jim's sister walked up to us. She runs a store there, filled with crap that she buys at cheap jewelry stores and thrift stores and then marks up a lot. What does she do? She starts talking to us, as if we were okay with her, and then issues some fake apology about the whole situation. Tells us that Jim's dad -- who lied to his son when his son was dying, by saying he'd come see him when Jim called and cried, asking him to -- had died, and Jim's scumbag brother tried doing the same thing with that estate that he had with Jim's. She made up some bullshit line about having realized the truth, and how she was "brainwashed" by her piece of shit brother. Tried to say how much she wished she could do right by us, but it was all lip service, and an attempt to ease her guilty conscience, because she had gotten fucked the same way she helped screw us over. Mom's comment about how they didn't just ruin things for her and me, but completely went against Jim's wishes didn't even get a reaction other than another unconvincing "I'm sorry".
The situation ended with me saying this: "N----, you're not forgiven, and you won't be. You're not welcome near me, or my mother", before we left to take care of the rest of our business for the day. It might have been cold of me to say, but I've thought of FAR worse things to say to that part of my stepdad's family, and even thought of worse to say to her during her "apology" to Mom. And Mom did say a couple things that I think were worse than what I said, but considering the reaction she could have had (and rightfully so, if you ask me), I think we both were fairly reasonable, for the situation.
The rest of yesterday was okay. Finally got ahead on one bill, and don't need to worry about it for another month, and then took a nap before work. Got a great schedule when I came in to work, too -- I don't work again until Monday night. After almost nine days straight, I'm happy to have a "three off, one on, three off" situation between the two schedules. Now, to go to sleep while listening to the movie Eddie and the Cruisers playing in the other room. See you all tomorrow. :)
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Part One: Screen Doors, ReStores, and Drunken Boors
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
So tired...
NEVER agree to help someone (that you live with) run "just one errand".
That was around 1pm, when I was thinking about sleep because I'd been up sixteen hours. Now, it's 9:37 and I'm just now getting home, almost 24 hours after I woke up.
I met someone really interesting tonight. Downside was that she seemed very happily taken. Upside was, she was intelligent and fun to talk to, aside from being really cute. Sure, she had a few oddball opinions that I disagreed with, but it's nice when I enjoy talking with someone a lot when I first meet them. New friend? Methinks so.
Time for sleep. Good grub today, good feelings after helping out some family and getting shit done. See you on the morrow, folks.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Okay, there's no surprise. You caught me. The surprise is a lie.
BUT, what isn't a lie is that I'm going to be working on three writing things tonight, when I wake up. Yes, I'm filling the first of my nights off with unpaid 'work'. But it's work that I love, so that makes it a little better, right?
Two of the writing projects are involving Alexandra, over at The Tsaritsa Sez - she's looking for guest posts, which I'll be helping with by providing one. The second is for the currently-in-the-works edition of her zine, which means I'll be a published writer. Not a PAID writer, but it all starts somewhere. The theme of this issue is "Surprise" (hence the title), any suggestions on things I could write -- I'll take ideas for fiction or non, and no guarantees I'll use it, since I'll be working on it tonight.
The third will be one of my own projects. I'll be researching the best I can, and then talking to one or more of my military knowledge people for more research on the specifics of things.
It'll be a good night, full of wonder, excitement, and wonder. And hummus. I found a really good "pretzels and hummus in one container" thing at Swanson's yesterday, getting more of them tonight. But, for now, sleep.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Today is the end of spring break
And, hopefully, it will be a somewhat peaceful night. After a drunk shoplifter last night, and large customer counts the last two nights (Friday now being in my top three busy nights), I just want a semi-mellow shift.
Maybe with some of my cooler regulars. :)
Saturday, April 7, 2012
RIP David Cain
Today marks three years since my grandpa died, and I'll admit, I wasn't looking forward to today. I miss my grandpa.
I wasn't raised by my parents. When I was really little, my grandparents sued for custody over my sister and me. There's a lot of reasons on both sides of the argument, but it boils down to my grandparents getting custody. So, that was a little different. I was raised a little old-fashioned, and a little sheltered, too. Which isn't to say that I resented it, because I have a lot of good memories from growing up, right alongside the bad like everyone else.
If I remember right, one of my earlier detailed memories of my grandpa is from Christmas Eve when I was probably 6 or 7 years old. Our family has always opened gifts from each other on Christmas Eve, and the kids opened their "Santa" gifts on Christmas Day. So, grandpa was at the tree doing his annual duty of calling out who each present was for and handing it to them, and I remember him calling out my grandma's name for this GIANT box. We were all so curious what was in it, because it looked big enough for one of those big chest freezers.
When my grandma got the wrapping paper off and cut open the tape, it was filled with packing peanuts. I'm sure my memory is exaggerating thinga, but it seems like I remember her almost diving into the thing when she realized it wasn't something big. Eventually, one hell of a mess later, she pulled some jewelry out from the bottom of the box.
That's the kind of sense of humor that grandpa had. He was sarcastic, and when I was younger, very appreciative of messing with people. He never really held a grudge on people, and unlike some of my younger cousins who only got to see him as a drunk old man, I've got a lot of good memories of him teaching me to cook, and sharing stories of his time in the army and the stupid things he and his brothers did. I still remember a few of them, and wish that it was possible for him to be around to share them when I have kids of my own.
Sorry if any of this post is a downer, but three years ago today, I lost the guy who might as well be my dad. And I miss him. I'll be fun tomorrow.
Friday, April 6, 2012
I have nothing to say, really...
- Follow me on Twitter
- Check out some far more awesome blogs, like Lauren's, or Alexandra's, or Ian's
- Listen to a good podcast, like TANcast or Comic Book Informer
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Do NOT hire these plumbers!
I had a pipe break, which suuuuucks. If you've never had it happen, I definitely recommend against it. Anyway, it's not the first time we've had issues with this house's plumbing, so I avoided the local company we went with last time. Instead, a few friends recommended that I get these guys from out of town -- I shouldn't call them friends, though, because they're DICKS for recommending these guys.
So we shut off our water supply until they got here, because I didn't want to turn my yard into a swimming pool. When they got here, they didn't do ANYTHING. Sure, maybe I should've taken it as a bad sign when the guy who answered their phone started with a frantic "Princess?!" instead of hello, but I just figured he'd been having relationship issues. We've all been there, right?
Stupid me, for not stopping at the awkward phone greeting. When they got there, they spent a little time looking at it, and went out to their van for some supplies. On the way, they saw my pet turtles and just LOST THEIR SHIT. They took them out of their aquarium and started stomping on them, calling them something that almost sounded like a racial slur. That wasn't enough, either, because they ransacked my fridge and ate the mushrooms. I don't even LIKE mushrooms, but I was going to cook with them for a friend's birthday!
Then, after them doing nothing but eating mushrooms and killing my pet turtles, they had the stones to BILL ME. And they wanted a lot, too. Demanded it be in some weird currency, with some obscure golden coins that had no design on the face.
This post is a public service announcement -- fuck the Mario Bros. Plumbers, and either go local or learn how to do it yourself.
Fuck these guys. |
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Stupidity: The Frohawk
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
You know what's awesome? A few weeks ago, I joked with The Tsaritsa about her coming to Washington. Within minutes, that one small joke had turned into a conversation including a half-dozen of us, about a blogger get-together this summer. Awesome, or awesomest?
Summertime NorthWest Bloggers Crazy Fun Adventure! It's a public event page, so if you're a blogger or want to hang out with a bunch of bloggers in either Portland or Seattle, say something! I've come up with a few fun-sounding ideas, like Karaoke Ring of Real-Life Doom, and I think it'll just be a blast to have this happen, anyway. Jorah, Jay, and Lauren are all involved too, and that's a whole lot of awesome for one meet-up. I think I can probably at least pretend to be awesome enough to fit in with these cool people.
In the meantime, I'm getting ready for work. So, there's that. Yay, it's crappy job time!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Mr. Green, line one...
Friday was pretty interesting. Not only did I find someone else in my bed, but about half an hour after blogging about it, I got the most hilarious "wrong number" call that I've probably ever had. My number must've been recycled from someone else's (before 2007, when I got it), because I've gotten three or four calls for a Sue. This one, though, was for a guy named John, and they were speaking in code. Good old-fashioned hitting a wrong button.
Mystery caller: "John! I --"
Me: "Who's John?"
M.C.: "Uh, this isn't John? I'm trying to get Mr. Green."
Me: "Mr. Who?"
M.C.: "Fuck. Think I got the wrong number." *click*
Afterwards I thought about it, and the tone he was talking in, and decided that he was almost definitely trying to get weed. I took to Twitter and posted my humorous reaction to it (the above might not be word-for-word, but it's pretty close), and got a few funny responses. If I wasn't so tired, I might've realized what he was calling about while I still had him on the phone, and I could've had some fun with it.
Here's what Kelly asked:
"Did you say really loudly, 'Are you trying to acquire some of the 'marijuana' the kids are smoking?'"
If I'd said that, I'd've gone all out with it, too. Pronounced it as horribly as I could, more along the lines of "Marry-jew-wanna". But then again, there's a possibility that it could've turned out like the guy in Shelton who recently got bludgeoned to shit recently, and that wouldn't have been a good thing.
Lastly, I filed taxes today, and had a little bit of April Fool fun on Twitter. It's my only one for the day, but it should be fun to see what sites are doing goofy shit. I'm off to go explore the internet! ... and maybe have a sandwich. I'm a little hungry.