Tuesday, April 3, 2012

You know what's awesome? A few weeks ago, I joked with The Tsaritsa about her coming to Washington. Within minutes, that one small joke had turned into a conversation including a half-dozen of us, about a blogger get-together this summer. Awesome, or awesomest?

Summertime NorthWest Bloggers Crazy Fun Adventure! It's a public event page, so if you're a blogger or want to hang out with a bunch of bloggers in either Portland or Seattle, say something! I've come up with a few fun-sounding ideas, like Karaoke Ring of Real-Life Doom, and I think it'll just be a blast to have this happen, anyway. Jorah, Jay, and Lauren are all involved too, and that's a whole lot of awesome for one meet-up. I think I can probably at least pretend to be awesome enough to fit in with these cool people.

In the meantime, I'm getting ready for work. So, there's that. Yay, it's crappy job time!


lalalalauren said...

Dude. I'm so excited for The Summertime Northwest Bloggers Crazy Fun Adventure. It will indeed be THE AWESOMEST!

Justin Barlow said...

YES! It will be so cool!

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