Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Harbor Humanism

Remember the times I've mentioned Harbor Humanism?
Oh... right. I've only mentioned it once, and very briefly at that.

The short version: Harbor Humanism is a secular activism group that I'm trying to start.

The long version: "Harbor Humanism is a not-for-profit group to promote interfaith cooperation, and secular awareness. [...] The goal is two-fold: charity, and support. We would like to open a hand as a support group for all who need it, and raise money for causes whenever we can."

So, there's that. I'm finally getting real work done to get it started, and will be scouting potential locations soon. It's probably going to be challenging to put together, but I have high hopes that it will be worth it -- I've already had positive reaction. :)


kelly said...

If you truly want to be an interfaith endeavor, adopting a definition that dismisses "theism and other supernatural beliefs" isn't too welcoming. :-)

I'm excited about your project. Are you thinking of meeting in a home or a public place or...? There's that swanky Tully's space.

Justin Barlow said...

@Kelly -- Noted, and that part of the definition has been cut. Without it, that's still the essential definition of inclusive humanism.

Currently, I did plan on doing it in a public place, unless someone involved with it offers up their home for a night or something. I do like the idea of meeting at Tully's, but the concerns of space if it caught on did come to mind. I would offer to host it at my own place, if (A) I was the only one who lived there and (B) it was a bigger space.

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