Thursday, May 3, 2012


-Hey, dude. We're both off at 10pm. Any chance I could get a ride home?-
-Sure. Where do you work tonight?-

That was the start of it. Since I am without a car (read: broke as hell), and the bus doesn't run that late, I had to ask Tony for a ride home. We were both off around the same time, and even though he's moved out of town, he still works for another Murphy's store. I felt bad for having him drive in the opposite direction he needed to go to get home, so I offered to buy him some grub.

$10 at Taco Hell and a ten minute car ride later, we were at my place, and bullshitting about a lot of shit. Some of it was recent past (like the Mafia games at 9thWonders), and some of it was my stupidity-as-a-kid (there's a lot more than I'd like to admit. Then we started talking about work we'd been trying to find that wouldn't be minimum-wage, soul-crushing Murphy's. And a glorious word was born, brought forth from the head of Tony, as Athena was birthed from the head of Zeus. That word? "Managatorial".

TONY: "So I checked out that (well-known rent-to-own company) position, and it's for assistant manager. Neither of us are really qualified. We don't have managatorial experience."

I picked on him for it, but a Google search reveals that he's not the only idjit to come up with it. There were a lot of shitty resumés for people with "managatorial epxreinse" (and other atrocius misspellings), who couldn't think of the words "management" or "managerial". And, at the end of the conversation with him, we've agreed on a few things to share. He's got a few spelling/word errors like that, and we still chuckle about a few of the older ones.

Anyone want to help me make "managatorial" a thing?


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