Sunday, September 26, 2010

Best. Day. EVAR.

To those that say that celebrities never read their own Twitter accounts, and it’s all some publicist, I say “HA! YOU’RE WRONG!”. At the very least, some of the time you’re wrong, at least.


The reason I say that is the same reason for this post’s title – I got talked about by one of my favorite actresses on a UK-based radio station just a few minutes ago! Sinead Keenan, actress from the BBC series Being Human, who I’m in the process of working out an interview with (for my main site), mentioned me on Stratford Community Radio’s very last “Breakfastie Brunch” show.


Being Human’s Sinead Keenan (@SineadKeenan)


Not only did I get mentioned once, but twice, and discussed a bit on both times! Sinead played Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up”, and when I mentioned that I’d been rickrolled by Sinead Keenan, she talked about the tweet on the air and asked me to reply to her explaining what a rickroll was. I did, and she mentioned me again, to explain over the air.


Both times, the show hosts joked about whether or not I was related to Gary Barlow of Take That. To my knowledge, I’m not, but who knows? Maybe. After all, I did have relatives from the UK somewhere back in my family tree. There could be some super-distant relation! Hah! Maybe when I visit the UK, I can use that to pick up women! :P


That said, it’s a shame that it is the last “Breakfastie Brunch” show. It wasn’t my type of music for the most part, but it was still a fun broadcast and a great time hearing Sinead talk to me over the radio! So, go to the Stratford Community Radio website and listen to them some time, and keep an eye out for Being Human on TV!


Admin said...

wow, thats pretty cool mr. barlow, lol, i thought it was cool when Demi Moore thought my dog was the cutest dog ever, but having someone say anything about me on the radio TWICE! would've been way cool...congrats friend

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