Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Stupidity: The Frohawk

Yes, I said "Frohawk". I was unaware of its existence until earlier today, when a customer who was probably whiter than our store's walls, came in sporting a very short frohawk, with ridiculous little wispy sideburns and a tiny goatee. I can only wish that I'd captured this bumbling creature on film, so as to allow you to bask in its foolish glory.

Other than that, it wasn't a terrible night... you know, aside from having to call the cops because some guy got his ass kicked in my parking lot. Oh, south side Aberdeen. Our customer numbers have been picking back up from our winter lows, so I'm typically busting my ass at work. That's not bad, though, other than the frustration that it causes me to get behind on my work stuff because I'm helping customers.

In fact, with all the running around the store, and my healthier eating lately, it's been beneficial to me. I'm starting to lose weight, albeit not much right now. The goal is to lose at least 10 pounds a month until the end of the year. Probably longer, but that's the only definite goal I've set. Counting this month, that'd have me down 90 pounds by the end of 2012. I'd be back down around 210 or 220, which I haven't been since high school. I carry the weight decently, but I'd rather carry a lot less of it. :P


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